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COVID-19 Safety Precautions

We can all do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community by consistently adhering to several simple public health and safety measures.  
Learn more about these measures below: 

Wear a Mask



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Wash Hands


Get Vaccinated


COVID-19 spreads through droplets from an infected person, typically from the nose or mouth. Wearing a face mask stops those droplets from spreading. By wearing a mask, we can protect those we interact with from being unknowingly infected. 
Learn more about why masks work: Duke University Study on efficacy of Face Masks
Guidance from the Department of Health about Wearing Masks
04.04.2020 DOH What type of mask do I ne
04.04.2020 DOH SPAN Types of Masks.png

Do's and Don'ts for Wearing a Mask



  • Make sure you can breathe through it

  • Wear it whenever going out in public

  • Make sure it covers your nose and mouth completely

  • Make sure it fis snugly against the sides of your face with no gaps

  • Choose masks that have two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric

  • Wash or throw away after using


  • Wear a mask made of a fabric that makes it hard to breathe, like vinyl

  • Wear a mask with an exhalation value or vents that allows virus droplets to escape

  • Use surgical masks or other personal protective equipment intended for health care workers, such as N95 respirators or surgical masks

  • Use on children younger than 2

  • Touch the mask when wearing it

How to Make a Mask

04.04.2020 DOH how to make a mask.png
04.04.2020 DOH SPAN How to make a mask i


One of the best ways to avoid spreading COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases is to maintain distance from others.  The virus spreads mainly among people who are in close contact for prolonged periods of time. 
Social distancing, also called physical distancing, means to keep a safe space between yourself and other people who don't live in your household. To practice safe distancing, stay at least six feet (about two arm lengths) from other people in both indoor and outdoor spaces.  
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Tips for Social Distancing

  • Know Before You Go: Before going out, know and follow the guidance from local public health authorities where you live.

  • Prepare for Transportation: Consider social distancing options to travel safely whether walking, bicycling or using public transit, rideshares, or taxis. When using public transit, try to keep at least 6 feet from other passengers or transit operators.. When using rideshares or taxis, avoid pooled rides where multiple passengers are picked up, and sit in the back seat in larger vehicles so you can remain at least 6 feet away from the driver.

  • Limit Contact When Running Errands: Only visit stores selling household essentials in person when you absolutely need to, and stay at least 6 feet away from others who are not from your household while shopping and in lines. If possible, use drive-thru, curbside pick-up, or delivery services to limit face-to-face contact with others. Maintain physical distance between yourself and delivery service providers during exchanges and wear a mask.

  • Choose Safe Social Activities: It is possible to stay socially connected with friends and family who don’t live in your home by calling, using video chat, or staying connected through social media. If meeting others in person, stay at least 6 feet from others who are not from your household. 

  • Keep Distance at Events and Gatherings: It is safest to avoid crowded places and gatherings. If you are in a crowded space, try to keep 6 feet of space between yourself and others at all times, and wear a mask. Masks are especially important in times when physical distancing is difficult. Pay attention to any physical guides, such as tape markings on floors or signs on walls, directing attendees to remain at least 6 feet apart from each other in lines or at other times. 

  • Stay Distanced While Being Active: Consider going for a walk, run or bike ride in your neighborhood or in another safe location where you can maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and other pedestrians and cyclists. If you decide to visit a nearby park, trail, or recreational facility, first check for closures or restrictions. If open, consider how many other people might be there and choose a location where it will be possible to keep at least 6 feet of space between yourself and other people.

Washing Hands

While washing your hands may feel like common sense, this simple act is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick and prevent the spread of germs. 
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. 

Five Steps for Proper Hand Washing

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.

  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.

  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.

  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.

  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them

        Learn more: Frequently Asked Questions about Hand Hygiene [CDC]

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